
“Through their participation with YouthSF, these students build their foundations for successful learning and successful lives.”

- Hillary Ronen

“As partners, I am proud of the way the YouthSF team has been able to meet the needs of our diverse student population and team.”

- Nelly Sapinski

“At the root of this impactful and successful organization is strong servant leadership from YouthSF’s executive director Louis Kolenda, who is truly passionate about bringing STEM education into the lives of YouthSF students.”

- Victoria Terheyden

“It was so engaging, I found myself visiting the classes and getting involved with the kids. Robots, Lego’s, coding, catapults…. FUN!”

- Paul Recktenwald

“It is amazing to see how much YouthSF values the diversity of each student and encourages active participation. Children are taking science and technology into their own hands to learn how things work and what they can create.”

- Hannah Everhart

“The students worked closely with YouthSF to create video content to teach students about STEAM concepts through at-home science experiments.”

- Hannah Newman

“We’ve found the program to be well-researched, well-organized, supportive of partner schools, and highly effective in fulfilling its mission”

- Mele Mortonson